Wildfire Assistance for Landowners
Oregon Department of Forestry:

Post Wildfire Landowner Assistance: Every Acre Adds Value
The Oregon Department of Forestry works aggressively to contain and stop wildfires. After a fire ODF helps landowners with reforesting expertise and connecting them with the right people.
During the Fire:
Be safe, stay informed. During large wildfires, typically, the firefighting team sets up a fire camp. The team’s information officer will regularly provide updated information. This may include public, media, and individual meetings. Law enforcement may also designate an information contact person or place.
The fire is over when it is contained and the firefighters leave. Active wildfire information can be found on the ODF website.
After the Fire:
Contact the local ODF stewardship forester. Use the Find a Forester tool. These foresters can help you find the resources and answers about what to do after a wildfire impacts your land.
Stewardship foresters are professional foresters who provide technical help and management guidance to forest landowners. They can help you develop a restoration plan to achieve your goals.
After a wildfire, most landowners ask about restoring their land. Here are steps to help do this.
Assess damage. Smaller fires, burning only brush and small trees, may not require restoration. More intense fires that consume larger trees and most vegetation, and damage soil may require restoring soil, grass, and trees.
Create a landowner restoration plan. Determine short-term and long-term goals for restoring your property and make plans to achieve them.
Stewardship foresters can help with your plan by providing information about:
· Salvage harvesting and clean-up
· Timber production
· Grazing land
· Stream health
· Soil productivity
· Fish and wildlife habitat
Execute your plan. Action right after a fire can help you better achieve your goals. For example, quickly establishing desired grasses and trees will help prevent unwanted weeds and brush. To successfully implement your plan, you may want to continue consulting with and utilizing the stewardship forester’s expertise.